• Steve is an amazing human. Many others focus on that on here. So I will highlight his work. Steve was successful in listing and engaging some of the most senior engineers in the hyperscale cloud marketplace. That is not a small thing. Most researchers and recruiters are not able to engage that level of talent- and further - they don’t know technology well enough to have any value in that kind of conversation. Google has an extremely high bar for engineers and Principal and DE for Google often means - Senior Technical Fellow - CTO or Distinguished Engineer at other top brand companies. Steve shrewdly engages this pinnacle of engineers and gets them on the phone, he learns what they want to do. He is able to engage and learn deeply about the candidates because he bothers to study what Google is doing and can play the role of translator to what the candidate is doing. Making Google accessible and making himself valuable as an interface for candidate into areas of Google candidates didn’t know much about. Sounds easy. Well I dare you to try :-) I highly recommend Steve and his work. Feel free to contact me directly for more detail.

    Rob Newby - Principal Recruiter - Google - Robnew@ for more details

  • Steve is easily the most talented recruiter I've worked with. He manages to quickly source top candidates with any special requirements I may have. He doesn't waste my time with second rate resumes. Once we have candidates in the pipeline, he is incredibly efficient - He provides a great experience for candidates with timely responses and he makes my job easier by taking care of all the details. Steve has helped me hire great people to my team and I hope we can continue to work together for a long time.

    Scott Ware - VP - Salesforce

  • "Steven is undoubtedly a top-tier talent acquisition professional I had the opportunity to work with. Our paths have crossed several times. I worked with Steven at Salesforce. He consistently demonstrated the rare combination of excellent communication/engagement skills, clarity of purpose, a deep pulse of the market, and a clear understanding of the business and needs of every role we needed to fulfill. We would meet with a high-level idea of the role; Steven would ask a few key, relevant, and situational questions – he was not just following a script. I could tell he understood the role/business needs and the market situation and that he was building a plan for success. Steven is very organized, and his attention to detail is exceptional. I have also come to appreciate Steven’s insights and guidance in navigating complex and challenging situations. I never regretted a hiring decision when I worked with Steven. Steven is a highly professional and effective talent advisor. I recommend Steven to any leader in need of building successful teams.

    — Fabio Valbuena - Partner - Microsoft

  • Steven is a talented executive recruiter who has an uncanny ability to take a vague job role and convert it into a pipeline of highly calibrated matching candidates. With an emphasis that blends short-term hiring needs, with longer-term relationship building and diversity/pipeline-shape, I found Steven to be an effective, independent and motivated recruiter who could help me in filling senior and highly specialized roles.

    Dermot Duffy - Google Executive

  • Recruiting is a challenging and demanding field, requiring the delicate balance of representing an organization while also attracting top talent. Steven excels in this capacity, showcasing unwavering dedication to both his team and potential candidates. His ability to connect and engage with people makes him an invaluable asset for any organization looking to expand and strengthen its team. I have no doubt in my mind that Steven's skills, passion, and expertise will continue to make a significant impact wherever he goes. If you have the opportunity to work with him, I urge you to seize it. Steven truly is an extraordinary recruiter and an outstanding individual. I sincerely hope that our paths cross again in the future.

    Sheen A. - Tesla/Airbus Executive

  • Steve is one of the best Recruiters that I had a pleasure to work with. He knows how to recruit any level of Technical talent. Not only does he have in depth knowledge of some of the best recruiting practices, but he also has engineering degree that helps him to speak the same language with the candidate. He has outstanding communication skills. Candidates, Hiring Managers, peers love working with him and Steve also has an amazing sense of humor :). Steve, thank you for the opportunity to work with you!

    Director of Recruiting - Salesforce